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    SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) asks: How effective is your school's distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leaders at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?

    ‘Our school community is inspired by the parable of the Good Samaritan from the Bible (Luke 10:25-37), where we are encouraged to love one another with courage and compassion. Through friendship, kindness and thoughtfulness, we will nurture each other to learn and flourish as individuals.’

    Loving one another. Learning for our future.

    We love to help others in need and we support and link with three main Charities.

    SIAMS reflection reference documents

    Strand 1: Vision and Leadership

    Our SDP (School Development Plan); delivering vision through our curriculum; IDSR; pupil wellbeing: SMSC tracker; staff wellbeing: wellbeing staff meetings; parent survey results July 2019

    Strand 2: Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills

    Our school profile; home learning projects; BIG question assemblies; our link with Christ's Hospital

    Strand 3: Character Development: Hope, Aspiration and Courageous Advocacy

    Courage to make a change for the better: litter; letter to Cool Milk; letter to Parliament; Eco concert; skip-a-thon (British Heart Foundation); Christingle (The Children's Society); Harvest Festival (Embrace Middle East); Go Green for Grenfell; linking with elders in our community: Tales from our Community

    Strand 4: Community and Living Well Together

    Our behaviour policy and code; our Good Samaritan award; International Food and Costume Fair; sports morning in Holland Park; Easter Fair; Breakfast Club; ASC (After School Clubs)

    Strand 5: Dignity and Respect

    Circle times; pupil voice: British Values in SCWSM; school council; our assemblies; Refugee Week; Black History Month; Parliament Week; RSE

    Strand 6: The impact of collective worship

    Prayerfulness room; prayer space designs; our SCWSM hymn book

    Strand 7: The effectiveness of religious education

    RE art days: Our Theological Concepts banner, Our Miracles of Jesus banners; BIG question assemblies; RE schemes of work LDBS; Statement of Entitlement; our RE learning in books