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  • PE and Sport Premium funding

    ,In June 2013 the Government announced the allocation of £150 million per annum for the academic years 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20, with an increased allocation in 2020-21. The funding has been allocated to primary school to “improve the quality and breadth of physical education and sport provision, including increasing participation so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of”. The primary PE and sport premium will continue in 2021 – 22 academic year.

    The PE and School Sport Premium is part of a joint strategy supported and funded by the Department for Education (DfE), Department for Health (DfH) and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

    At St Cuthbert with St Matthias CofE Primary School, each pupil from YR to Y6 receives at least two hours of high quality physical education each week from our specialist PE tutor. Each lunch playtime we also provide structured sports activities for children

    PE Grant Expenditure 2021–22

    We are receiving a grant of £17, 401 in the 2021-22 academic year.

    In 2021–22 the funding will be spent on:

    • £1,400 additional swimming provision for our Y5 class with swimming tutors at our local pool for a term due to a loss of swimming coaching during the pandemic.
    • £16, 900 extra specialist sports tutor providing structured sports at lunchtime, extra timetabled specialist PE provision for KS2 classes each week and specialist PE provision for EYFS pupils.

    We aim for the impact to be:

    • Quality PE delivery to children from Nursery to Y6 by a specialist sports tutor, with additional PE sessions for KS2 each week
    • We will enter children into league sports competitions organised by RBKC in football, swimming, athletics and multi sports
    • PE standards to be improved with children accessing a greater range of sports at lunchtime and after school and taking part in LA competitive sports
    • At least 70 KS2 children will participate in structured daily lunchtime sports
    • Y5 children improving their swimming ability by having access to additional swimming coaching due to a loss of tuition during the pandemic

    How the improvements will be sustainable in the future:

    • We will continue to provide specialist PE provision for pupils in EYFS, KS1 and KS2
    • We will continue to have additional PE hours each week to provide KS2 pupils with additional PE
    • We will continue to ensure our pupils receive quality structured play with skills being developed age-appropriately
    • We will continue to supplement lost swimming coaching for certain year groups, should this be necessary during a future lock-down, to ensure all pupils have appropriate swimming tuition in primary school years

    PE Grant Expenditure 2020–21

    We received a grant of £17, 720 in the 2020-21 academic year.

    In 2020–21 the funding was spent on:

    • £1,500 swimming provision KS2 with a swimming tutor at local pools
    • £2,500 dance tutor (with some sessions taught via remote)
    • £13,700 salaried specialist sports tutor with some PE provision for pupils in school during lock-down, and some after school club provision once schools resumed after the lock-down period

    The impact has been:

    • Quality PE delivery to children from Nursery to Y6 by a specialist sports tutor where possible during lock-down and once schools resumed
    • Additional PE equipment and quality structured play delivered at playtimes by a pE specialist
    • PE standards improved with certain pupils accessing after school sports and taking part in sports during lock-down onsite
    • Between 20 and 40 children participating in daily lunchtime sports within COVID-19 restriction protocol
    • Children having access to quality dance provision by a dance tutor thereby improving dance technique as well as physical activity during lock-down

    How the improvements will be sustainable in the future:

    • We will continue to provide a dance tutor
    • We will continue to include additional PE hours into the timetable to provide extra structured PE tuition for KS2 pupils each week
    • We will continue to endeavour to provide specialist PE sessions for EYFS pupils by a specialist practitioner

    PE Grant Expenditure 2019–20

    We received a grant of £17, 500 in 2019-20 academic year.

    In 2019– 20 the funding was spent on:

    • £4,000 swimming provision KS2 with a swimming tutor at local pools
    • £2,500 dance tutor
    • £11,000 specialist HLTA sports tutor providing structured sports at lunch time and after school sports clubs provision

    The impact has been:

    • Quality PE delivery to children from YR to Y6 by a specialist sports HLTA
    • We have entered children into league sports competitions organised by RBK&C in football, swimming, athletics and multi sports.
    • We have purchased PE equipment to enable quality PE to be delivered
    • PE standards have improved with children accessing a greater range of sports at lunch time and after school and taking part in LA competitive sports
    • Between 20 and 40 children participate daily in lunchtime sports.
    • Children having access to quality dance provision by a dance tutor

    How the improvements will be sustainable in the future:

    • We will continue to provide a dance tutor
    • We have structured additional PE hours into each week to provide structured PE tuition (4 hours KS2; 3 hours KS1
    • We will continue to provide swimming tuition for KS2