Our vision is based on the parable of the Good Samaritan: Luke 10:25-37
Our vision is that:
Through friendship, kindness and thoughtfulness, we will nurture each other to learn and flourish as individuals.
We live this vision through:
"Loving one another. Learning for our future."
Our school vision is built upon the foundation of the parable of the Good Samaritan from the Bible (Luke 10:25-37), where we are encouraged to love one another courageously and with compassion. Through friendship, kindness and thoughtfulness, we will nurture each other to flourish as individuals-spiritually, emotionally, academically and creatively.
Through a rich, creative and inspiring curriculum, we strive to foster a deep love of learning in our children.
With high aspirations for our pupils, we nurture each of them to attain the highest of standards in language, humanities and the sciences, no matter their starting point, enabling them to flourish academically.
Through our deep love of music and the arts, we nurture creativity and spirituality, enabling our children to flourish creatively, spiritually and emotionally.
Our 6 core Christian values are:
Each half term's acts of worship have one of the values as their focus. Therefore all values are explored across the school year.
In accordance with our Trust Deed and with statutory requirements, we have a daily act of collective worship that takes place in the school or, on special occasions, in the church. All CE schools are required to have a daily act of collective worship.
Collective worship is placed at the centre of the school’s daily life. Worship is organised on a whole school basis and led by clergy, staff, visitors and the pupils themselves. The process of worship takes place through a variety of media, song, story, drama, art, music and poetry. It takes place through class assemblies as well as adult-led worship time. Once weekly the worship in school is led by our Parish Priest. The focus of worship is invitational - all children and adults are invited to explore, reflect upon and learn from their own experiences and the experiences of others, question, develop sensitivity and a sense of wonder and awe about the world of which they are part.