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Policies and Key documents

Here you will find statutory information about the school to view or to download through the links below.  This information is also available from the School Office free of charge as is the other information on our school website. 

Statutory Information

Nursery Admissions Policy 2023 (3YO)    Nursery Admissions Policy 2023 (2YO)
Application for Nursery admission
Application for Nursery admission 2YO 2024

Primary Admissions Policy for 2024
Application for Primary Admission
Our School Behaviour Policy
SEND Information Report
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Exclusions Policy
Pupil Premium
PE and Sport Premium
List of Governors including their business interests and attendance at meetings

Our Phonics Scheme is the Department for Education Scheme Essential Letters and Sounds

Other Policies and Information

Accessibility Plan
Attendance Policy
Capability Procedure
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Health and Safety Policy
Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
     Addendum: COVID-19
Equality Policy and Objectives

Anti-bullying Policy
SMSC Policy
Safer Working Practice for Adults  (May 2019)
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Glossary: An explanation of some educational terms and acronyms used at the school
RBKC Local SEND Offer
Our Local Offer (SEND)
Online Safety Policy
Data Protection Policy
CCTV Policy
Freedom of Information Policy
Freedom of Information Model Publication Scheme
  and Guidance
RSE Policy       A  PSHE and Wellbeing Framework for Primary Schools
Contingency Outbreak Plan
Remote Learning Offer
Home - School Agreement
Religious Education Policy
Spirituality Policy
Collective Worship Policy
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

Managing Violence and Abusive Visitors Policy    
Parent Code of Conduct Policy
School Uniform Policy
EAL (English as an Additional Language) Policy

The following policies are not on our website but may be obtained from the School Office:

Homework Policy

Privacy Notices

Parent, Carers and Pupils Privacy Notice
Visitor Privacy Notice
Job Applicant Privacy Notice
Governor and Volunteer Privacy Notice
School Workforce Privacy Notice